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3 Global Variables
 3.1 Getting information about polymake output
 3.2 Variables for system interaction

3 Global Variables

3.1 Getting information about polymake output

3.1-1 InfoPolymaking
‣ InfoPolymaking( info class )

If set to at least \(2\), the output of polymake is shown. At level \(1\), warnings are shown. This is the default. And at level \(0\), the polymake package remains silent.

‣ POLYMAKE_LAST_FAIL_REASON( global variable )

Contains a string that explains the last occurrence of fail as a return value of Polymake (2.5-1).

3.2 Variables for system interaction

The variables for interaction with the system are contained in the file Each of these variables has a function to set it, see 1.2. If POLYMAKE_COMMAND or POLYMAKE_DATA_DIR are set at startup, they are not overwritten. So if you don't want (or don't have the rights) to modify, you can set the variables in your .gaprc file.

‣ POLYMAKE_COMMAND( global variable )

This variable should contain the name of the polymake program in the form as returned by Filename So a probable value is Filename(Directory("/usr/local/bin"),"polymake").

‣ POLYMAKE_DATA_DIR( global variable )

In this directory the files for polymake will be created. By default, this generates a temporary directory using DirectoryTemporary

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