> < ^ Date: Fri, 13 Sep 1996 16:59:00 +0100 (MET)
> < ^ From: Martin Schoenert <martin.schoenert@math.rwth-aachen.de >
^ Subject: FIX 21 for minor bug in GAP/lib 'AbelianInvariants'

This mail contains a fix for a minor problem in GAP/lib
The problem is in 'AbelianInvariants' and causes it to return elementary
divisors instead of abelian invariants, e.g. [6] instead of [2,3].


Before applying this fix you *must* already have applied fix08lib and


The problem is a minor problem, because the result is ``almost correct''.
Thus the fix has low priority.


Go to the GAP directory (the directory with the 'lib/' subdirectory),
name this mail 'fix21lib.dif', and issue the command:

patch -p0 < fix21lib.dif

If 'patch' writes "I can't seem to find a patch in there" try 'patch -v'.
If 'patch -v' gives an error message or reports a version older than 2.1,
get 2.1 from 'ftp://FTP.Math.RWTH-Aachen.DE/pub/gap/utils/patch2_1.zoo'.

This fix changes only the library.
Thus you need not recompile the GAP kernel.


'AbelianInvariants' may return elementary divisors instead of abelian
invariants, i.e., a list where each element divides the next instead of
a list of prime powers.


gap> F1 := FreeGroup( 1 );;
gap> AbelianInvariants( F1 / [ F1.1^6 ] );
[ 2, 3 ]


The manual entry for 'AbelianInvariants' does not define the order of the
result list. This change makes 'AbelianInvariants' return a sorted list,
especially the 0 (for the infinite subgroups) are at the beginning.


--- lib/init.g Thu Dec 21 15:30:18 1995
+++ lib/init.g Thu Sep 12 16:14:30 1996
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#A init.g GAP library Martin Schoenert
-#A @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
+#A @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
#Y Copyright 1990-1992, Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany
@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
## edit it.
#H $Log: 1.html,v $ #H Revision 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch #H Corrected links in the Forum Archive pages. VF #H #H Revision 2004/04/20 13:39:30 felsch #H The final GAP-Forum archive until 2003. #H
#H Revision 1.4 2003/06/12 19:20:34 gap
#H Further update. AH
#H Revision 1.3 1997/08/15 11:19:38 gap
#H New forum setup. AH
#H Revision 1.2 1997/04/24 15:33:16 gap
#H These files were replaced by the versions in WWW. The content is basically the
#H same but the formatting has been much more friendly towards the HTML-Converter.
#H Revision 1.1 1996/10/30 13:07:07 gap
#H added forum archive and translation files.
-#H Revision 1995/12/20 18:05:28 mschoene
+#H Revision 1996/09/12 14:14:14 mschoene
+#H added 'AbelianInvariantsOfList'
+#H Revision 1995/12/20 18:05:28 mschoene
#H changed for third update
#H Revision 1995/05/18 07:55:06 mschoene
@@ -733,13 +736,15 @@
AUTO( ReadLib( "matrix" ),
IsMatrix, MatricesOps, Matrices, DimensionsMat, IdentityMat, NullMat,
RandomMat, RandomInvertableMat, RandomUnimodularMat, TransposedMat,
- PermutationMat, InvariantForm, OrderMatLimit, OrderMat, TraceMat, RankMat,
- DeterminantMat, TriangulizeMat, BaseMat, SemiEchelonMat,
+ PermutationMat, InvariantForm, OrderMatLimit, OrderMat, DiagonalOfMat,
+ TraceMat, RankMat, DeterminantMat, TriangulizeMat, BaseMat, SemiEchelonMat,
InducedActionSpaceMats, SumIntersectionMat, BaseFixedSpace, NullspaceMat,
- NullspaceModQ, SimultaneousEigenvalues, BaseNullspace, DiagonalizeMat,
- ElementaryDivisorsMat, SolutionMat, FieldMatricesOps, FieldMatrices,
- MinimalPolynomial, CharacteristicPolynomial, FiniteFieldMatricesOps,
- FiniteFieldMatrices );
+ NullspaceModQ, SimultaneousEigenvalues, BaseNullspace, BestQuoInt,
+ DiagonalizeIntMatNormDriven, DiagonalizeIntMat, DiagonalizeMat,
+ DiagonalFormMat, SmithNormalizeMat, SmithNormalFormMat,
+ ElementaryDivisorsMat, ElementaryDivisorsOfList, AbelianInvariantsOfList,
+ SolutionMat, FieldMatricesOps, FieldMatrices, MinimalPolynomial,
+ CharacteristicPolynomial, FiniteFieldMatricesOps, FiniteFieldMatrices );

 AUTO( ReadLib( "module" ),
   IsModule, IsFactorModule, ModuleOps, Module, NaturalModule, IsNaturalModule,
--- lib/matrix.g        Thu Sep 12 16:17:04 1996
+++ lib/matrix.g        Thu Sep 12 16:01:13 1996
@@ -2,14 +2,17 @@
 #A  matrix.g                    GAP library                  Martin Schoenert
-#A  @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
+#A  @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
 #Y  Copyright 1990-1992,  Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik,  RWTH Aachen,  Germany
 ##  This file contains  those  functions  that  mainly  deal  with  matrices.
 #H  $Log: 1.html,v $
 #H  Revision 1.2  2004/04/21 15:06:19  felsch
 #H  Corrected links in the Forum Archive pages.   VF
 #H  Revision  2004/04/20 13:39:30  felsch
 #H  The final GAP-Forum archive until 2003.
 #H  Revision 1.4  2003/06/12 19:20:34  gap
 #H  Further update. AH
 #H  Revision 1.3  1997/08/15 11:19:38  gap
 #H  New forum setup. AH
 #H  Revision 1.2  1997/04/24 15:33:16  gap
 #H  These files were replaced by the versions in WWW. The content is basically the
 #H  same but the formatting has been much more friendly towards the HTML-Converter.
 #H  AH
 #H  Revision 1.1  1996/10/30 13:07:07  gap
 #H  added forum archive and translation files.
-#H  Revision  1996/05/06  12:20:27  mschoene
+#H  Revision  1996/09/12 13:52:04  mschoene
+#H  fixed handling of abelian invariants
+#H  Revision  1996/05/06 12:20:27  mschoene
 #H  changed 'DiagonalizeMat' to use norms to select the pivot
 #H  Revision  1994/08/24  15:22:00  sam
@@ -712,6 +715,30 @@

+#F  DiagonalOfMat(<mat>)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  diagonal of matrix
+##  'DiagonalOfMat' returns  the diagonal of  the matrix <mat>.  The diagonal
+##  has the same length  as the rows  of <mat>, it  is padded with  zeroes if
+##  <mat> has fewer rows than columns.
+DiagonalOfMat := function ( mat )
+    local   diag, i;
+    diag := [];
+    i := 1;
+    while i <= Length(mat) and i <= Length(mat[1]) do
+        diag[i] := mat[i][i];
+        i := i + 1;
+    od;
+    while 1 <= Length(mat) and i <= Length(mat[1]) do
+        diag[i] := mat[1][1] - mat[1][1];
+        i := i + 1;
+    od;
+    return diag;
 #F  TraceMat( <mat> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trace of a matrix
 TraceMat := function ( mat )
@@ -1695,41 +1722,107 @@

-#F  DiagonalizeMat(<mat>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  diagonalize a matrix
+#F  DiagonalizeMat(<mat>) . . . . . . . . . . convert matrix to diagonal form
+##  'DiagonalizeMat'  converts   the   matrix  <mat>   to diagonal  form  via
+##  elementary  row and  column operations.   Note that  the diagonal form is
+##  generally not unique (see "SmithNormalizeMat").
-#N  1996/05/06 mschoene should be extended for other rings
+#N  1996/05/06 M.Schoenert should be extended for other rings
 DiagonalizeMat := DiagonalizeIntMat;

-#F  ElementaryDivisorsMat(<mat>)  . . . . . . elementary divisors of a matrix
+#F  DiagonalFormMat(<mat>)  . . . . . . . . . . .  equivalent diagonal matrix
-##  'ElementaryDivisors' returns a list of the elementary divisors, i.e., the
-##  unique <d> with '<d>[<i>]' divides '<d>[<i>+1]' and <mat>  is  equivalent
-##  to a diagonal matrix with the elements '<d>[<i>]' on the diagonal.
+##  'DiagonalFormMat' returns a diagonal  matrix <diag> that is equivalent to
+##  the matrix  <mat>.  Note that the  diagonal form  is generally not unique
+##  (see "SmithNormalFormMat").
-ElementaryDivisorsMat := function ( mat )
-    local  divs, gcd, zero, m, n, i, k;
+DiagonalFormMat := function ( mat )
+    local   copy;
+    copy := List( mat, ShallowCopy );
+    DiagonalizeMat( copy );
+    return copy;

-    # make a copy to avoid changing the original argument
-    mat := Copy( mat );
-    m := Length(mat);  n := Length(mat[1]);

-    # diagonalize the matrix
+#F  SmithNormalizeMat(<mat>)  . . . . . . convert matrix to Smith normal form
+##  'SmithNormalizeMat' converts the  matrix <mat> to  Smith normal form  via
+##  elementary row   and column  operations.   The Smith  normal form  is the
+##  unique diagonal matrix where each diagonal entry divides the next one.
+SmithNormalizeMat := function ( mat )
+    local   zero, gcd, i, k, l;
     DiagonalizeMat( mat );
+    l := Length(mat);
+    if 0 < l and Length(mat[1]) < l then l := Length(mat[1]); fi;
+    if 0 < l then zero := mat[1][1] - mat[1][1]; fi;
+    for i  in [1..l-1]  do
+        for k  in [i+1..l] do
+            if mat[i][i] = zero and mat[k][k] <> zero  then
+                mat[i][i] := mat[k][k];
+                mat[k][k] := zero;
+            elif mat[i][i] <> zero
+              and EuclideanRemainder( mat[k][k], mat[i][i] ) <> zero  then
+                gcd     := Gcd( mat[i][i], mat[k][k] );
+                mat[k][k] := mat[k][k] / gcd * mat[i][i];
+                mat[i][i] := gcd;
+            fi;
+        od;
+        mat[i][i] := StandardAssociate( mat[i][i] );
+    od;

-    # get the diagonal elements
-    divs := [];
-    for i  in [1..Minimum(m,n)]  do
-        divs[i] := mat[i][i];
-    od;
-    if divs <> []  then zero := divs[1] - divs[1];  fi;
-    # transform the divisors so that every divisor divides the next
-    for i  in [1..Length(divs)-1]  do
-        for k  in [i+1..Length(divs)]  do
+#F  SmithNormalFormMat(<mat>) . . . . . . equivalent Smith normal form matrix
+##  'SmithNormalFormMat'  returns the Smith norm  form  matrix <new> that  is
+##  equivalent to the  matrix  <mat>.  The   Smith  norm form is   the unique
+##  diagonal matrix where each diagonal entry divides the next one.
+SmithNormalFormMat := function ( mat )
+    local   copy;
+    copy := List( mat, ShallowCopy );
+    SmithNormalizeMat( copy );
+    return copy;
+#F  ElementaryDivisorsMat(<mat>)  . . . . . . elementary divisors of a matrix
+##  'ElementaryDivisors' returns  a  list of  the elementary  divisors of the
+##  matrix <mat>.   The elementary  divisors    are the unique   <divs>  with
+##  '<divs>[<i>]' divides  '<divs>[<i>+1]'  and   <mat> is equivalent   to  a
+##  diagonal matrix with the elements '<divs>[<i>]'  on the diagonal.  <divs>
+##  has the  same length as  the rows of <mat>,  it is padded  with zeroes if
+##  <mat> has fewer rows than columns.
+ElementaryDivisorsMat := function ( mat )
+    return DiagonalOfMat( SmithNormalFormMat( mat ) );
+#F  ElementaryDivisorsOfList(<list>)  . . . . . elementary divisors of a list
+ElementaryDivisorsOfList := function ( list )
+    local   divs, zero, gcd, i, k, l;
+    divs := ShallowCopy( list );
+    l := Length(divs);
+    if 0 < l then zero := divs[1] - divs[1]; fi;
+    for i  in [1..l-1]  do
+        for k  in [i+1..l]  do
             if divs[i] = zero and divs[k] <> zero  then
                 divs[i] := divs[k];
                 divs[k] := zero;
@@ -1742,8 +1835,28 @@
         divs[i] := StandardAssociate( divs[i] );
     return divs;
+#F  AbelianInvariantsOfList(<list>) . . . . . .  abelian invariants of a list
+AbelianInvariantsOfList := function ( list )
+    local   invs, elm;
+    invs := [];
+    for elm in list do
+        if elm = 0 then
+            Add( invs, 0 );
+        elif 1 < elm then
+            Append( invs, List( Collected(Factors( elm)), x->x[1]^x[2] ) );
+        elif elm < -1 then
+            Append( invs, List( Collected(Factors(-elm)), x->x[1]^x[2] ) );
+        fi;
+    od;
+    Sort( invs );
+    return invs;

--- lib/fpgrp.g Thu Sep 12 16:17:09 1996
+++ lib/fpgrp.g Thu Sep 12 16:03:57 1996
@@ -2,14 +2,17 @@
 #A  fpgrp.g                     GAP library                  Martin Schoenert
-#H  @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
+#H  @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
 #Y  Copyright 1990-1992,  Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik,  RWTH Aachen,  Germany
 ##  This file contains the  functions dealing with finitely presented groups.
 #H  $Log: 1.html,v $
 #H  Revision 1.2  2004/04/21 15:06:19  felsch
 #H  Corrected links in the Forum Archive pages.   VF
 #H  Revision  2004/04/20 13:39:30  felsch
 #H  The final GAP-Forum archive until 2003.
 #H  Revision 1.4  2003/06/12 19:20:34  gap
 #H  Further update. AH
 #H  Revision 1.3  1997/08/15 11:19:38  gap
 #H  New forum setup. AH
 #H  Revision 1.2  1997/04/24 15:33:16  gap
 #H  These files were replaced by the versions in WWW. The content is basically the
 #H  same but the formatting has been much more friendly towards the HTML-Converter.
 #H  AH
 #H  Revision 1.1  1996/10/30 13:07:07  gap
 #H  added forum archive and translation files.
-#H  Revision  1996/06/11  14:48:40  mschoene
+#H  Revision  1996/09/12 13:52:04  mschoene
+#H  fixed handling of abelian invariants
+#H  Revision  1996/06/11 14:48:40  mschoene
 #H  fixed '.preimage' to '.preImage'
 #H  Revision  1995/11/25  22:42:44  mschoene
@@ -1659,17 +1662,12 @@
 #F                                                           fin. pres. group
 FpGroupOps.AbelianInvariants := function ( G )
-    local   abl,        # abelian invariants of <G>, result
-            mat,        # relation matrix of <G>
+    local   mat,        # relation matrix of <G>
             row,        # one row of <mat>
             rel,        # one relation of <G>
             g,          # one letter of <rel>
             p,          # position of <g> or its inverse in '<G>.generators'
-            i,          # loop variable
-            divs,      # elementary divisors
-           gcd,        # extended gcd
-           m, n, k;
+            i;          # loop variable

     # If G is a subgroup of a finitely presented group, find a
     # presentation for G first.
@@ -1705,36 +1703,8 @@
     # diagonalize the matrix
     DiagonalizeMat( mat );

-    # get the diagonal elements
-    m := Length(mat);
-    n := Length(mat[1]);
-    divs := [];
-    for i  in [1..Minimum(m,n)]  do
-        divs[i] := mat[i][i];
-    od;
-    for i  in [Minimum(m,n)+1..n]  do
-        divs[i] := 0;
-    od;
-    # transform the divisors so that every divisor divides the next
-    for i  in [1..Length(divs)-1]  do
-        for k  in [i+1..Length(divs)]  do
-            if divs[i] <> 0  and divs[k] mod divs[i] <> 0  then
-                gcd     := GcdInt( divs[i], divs[k] );
-                divs[k] := divs[k] / gcd * divs[i];
-                divs[i] := gcd;
-            fi;
-        od;
-    od;
-    # and return the ablian invariants
-    abl := [];
-    for i  in divs  do
-        if i <> 1  then
-            Add( abl, i );
-        fi;
-    od;
-    return abl;
+    # return the abelian invariants
+    return AbelianInvariantsOfList( DiagonalOfMat( mat ) );

--- lib/fpsgpres.g      Thu Dec 21 15:30:12 1995
+++ lib/fpsgpres.g      Thu Sep 12 16:06:01 1996
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 #A  fpsgpres.g                GAP library                      Volkmar Felsch
-#H  @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
+#H  @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
 #Y  Copyright 1990-1992,  Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik,  RWTH Aachen,  Germany
@@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
 ##  finitely presented groups.
 #H  $Log: 1.html,v $
 #H  Revision 1.2  2004/04/21 15:06:19  felsch
 #H  Corrected links in the Forum Archive pages.   VF
 #H  Revision  2004/04/20 13:39:30  felsch
 #H  The final GAP-Forum archive until 2003.
 #H  Revision 1.4  2003/06/12 19:20:34  gap
 #H  Further update. AH
 #H  Revision 1.3  1997/08/15 11:19:38  gap
 #H  New forum setup. AH
 #H  Revision 1.2  1997/04/24 15:33:16  gap
 #H  These files were replaced by the versions in WWW. The content is basically the
 #H  same but the formatting has been much more friendly towards the HTML-Converter.
 #H  AH
 #H  Revision 1.1  1996/10/30 13:07:07  gap
 #H  added forum archive and translation files.
-#H  Revision  1995/11/25  15:51:34  mschoene
+#H  Revision  1996/09/12 13:52:04  mschoene
+#H  fixed handling of abelian invariants
+#H  Revision  1995/11/25 15:51:34  mschoene
 #H  cleaned up the handling of involutory generators
 #H  Revision  1994/08/22  09:46:33  vfelsch
@@ -1606,28 +1609,9 @@
 ##  presented group G.
 AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupMtc := function ( G, H )
-    local invar, i, j, leng, m;
-    m := RelatorMatrixAbelianizedSubgroupMtc( G, H );
-    if m = [ ] then
-        invar := [ ];
-    else
-        invar := ElementaryDivisorsMat( m );
-    fi;
-    # remove trivial entries (i.e. ones) from invar.
-    leng := Length( invar );
-    i := 0;
-    for j in [ 1 .. leng ] do
-        if invar[j] <> 1 then
-            i := i + 1;
-            invar[i] := invar[j];
-        fi;
-    od;
-    if i < leng then  invar := Sublist( invar, [ 1 .. i ] );  fi;
-    return invar;
+    return AbelianInvariantsOfList(
+                ElementaryDivisorsMat(
+                    RelatorMatrixAbelianizedSubgroupMtc( G, H ) ) );

@@ -1696,28 +1680,9 @@
 ##  by its coset table.
 AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupRrs := function ( G, H )
-    local invar, i, j, leng, m;
-    m := RelatorMatrixAbelianizedSubgroupRrs( G, H );
-    if m = [ ] then
-        invar := [ ];
-    else
-        invar := ElementaryDivisorsMat( m );
-    fi;
-    # remove trivial entries (i.e. ones) from invar.
-    leng := Length( invar );
-    i := 0;
-    for j in [ 1 .. leng ] do
-        if invar[j] <> 1 then
-            i := i + 1;
-            invar[i] := invar[j];
-        fi;
-    od;
-    if i < leng then  invar := Sublist( invar, [ 1 .. i ] );  fi;
-    return invar;
+    return AbelianInvariantsOfList(
+                ElementaryDivisorsMat(
+                    RelatorMatrixAbelianizedSubgroupRrs( G, H ) ) );

 AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroup := AbelianInvariantsSubgroupFpGroupRrs;
@@ -1807,28 +1772,9 @@
 ##  of a subgroup H of a finitely presented group G.
 AbelianInvariantsNormalClosureFpGroupRrs := function ( G, H )
-    local invar, i, j, leng, m;
-    m := RelatorMatrixAbelianizedNormalClosureRrs( G, H );
-    if m = [ ] then
-        invar := [ ];
-    else
-        invar := ElementaryDivisorsMat( m );
-    fi;
-    # remove trivial entries (i.e. ones) from invar.
-    leng := Length( invar );
-    i := 0;
-    for j in [ 1 .. leng ] do
-        if invar[j] <> 1 then
-            i := i + 1;
-            invar[i] := invar[j];
-        fi;
-    od;
-    if i < leng then  invar := Sublist( invar, [ 1 .. i ] );  fi;
-    return invar;
+    return AbelianInvariantsOfList(
+                ElementaryDivisorsMat(
+                    RelatorMatrixAbelianizedNormalClosureRrs( G, H ) ) );

 AbelianInvariantsNormalClosureFpGroup :=
--- lib/chartabl.g      Thu Dec 21 15:29:58 1995
+++ lib/chartabl.g      Thu Sep 12 16:07:30 1996
@@ -3,14 +3,17 @@
 #A  chartabl.g                  GAP library                     Thomas Breuer
 #A                                                           & Goetz Pfeiffer
-#A  @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
+#A  @(#)$Id: 1.html,v 1.2 2004/04/21 15:06:19 felsch Exp $
 #Y  Copyright 1993-1995,  Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik,  RWTH Aachen,  Germany
 ##  This file contains functions and operations for character tables in GAP.
 #H  $Log: 1.html,v $
 #H  Revision 1.2  2004/04/21 15:06:19  felsch
 #H  Corrected links in the Forum Archive pages.   VF
 #H  Revision  2004/04/20 13:39:30  felsch
 #H  The final GAP-Forum archive until 2003.
 #H  Revision 1.4  2003/06/12 19:20:34  gap
 #H  Further update. AH
 #H  Revision 1.3  1997/08/15 11:19:38  gap
 #H  New forum setup. AH
 #H  Revision 1.2  1997/04/24 15:33:16  gap
 #H  These files were replaced by the versions in WWW. The content is basically the
 #H  same but the formatting has been much more friendly towards the HTML-Converter.
 #H  AH
 #H  Revision 1.1  1996/10/30 13:07:07  gap
 #H  added forum archive and translation files.
-#H  Revision 3.4  1994/06/10  04:45:27  sam
+#H  Revision  1996/09/12 13:52:04  mschoene
+#H  fixed handling of abelian invariants
+#H  Revision 3.4  1994/06/10 04:45:27  sam
 #H  improved 'PrintCharTable'
 #H  Revision 3.3  1994/05/25  10:38:43  sam
@@ -596,7 +599,7 @@
-    return Set( inv );
+    return AbelianInvariantsOfList( inv );


END OF  fix21lib.dif ________________________________________________________

> < [top]